主演:雷·沃纳尔 加利·艾尔维斯 丹尼·格洛弗 梁振邦 迪娜·迈耶 迈克·巴
简介:一觉醒来的亚当(雷?沃纳尔 Leigh Whannell饰)发现自己被困在一个废弃的厕所里。他的对面是同样命运的劳伦斯(加利?艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes 饰)——他们被人用铁链绑住了腿,并吃惊发现二人中间横亘着一个恐怖的死人。死人鲜血淋漓,左手拿录放机右手拿枪。 亚 当兜里被人放进来一盘磁带,他赶紧放到录放机里。磁带里说,劳伦斯必须在今晚6点前杀死亚当,否则二人将同归于尽,劳伦斯的家人也不能幸免。而面前死人流出来的血,剧毒无比。 一个血腥的死亡游戏开始了。在剩下不多的时间里,他们必须找到线索,逃出地狱。在最后关头,当他们以为重见天日的时候,新一轮的噩梦才刚刚开始。
主演:巴斯特·基顿 凯瑟琳·麦奎尔 弗雷德里克·弗鲁姆 Clarence B
简介:Wealthy Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) suddenly decides to propose to his neighbor across the street, Betsy O'Brien (Kathryn McGuire), and sends his servant to book passage for a honeymoon sea cruise to Honolulu. When Betsy rejects his sudden offer however, he decides to go on the trip anyway, boarding without delay that night. Because the pier number is partially covered, he ends up on the wrong ship, the Navigator, which Betsy's rich father (Frederick Vroom) has just sold to a small country at war. Agents for the other small nation in the conflict decide to set the ship adrift that same night. When Betsy's father checks up on the ship, he is captured and tied up by the saboteurs. Betsy hears his cry for help and boards the ship to look for him, just before it is cut loose. The Navigator drifts out into the Pacific Ocean. The two unwitting passengers eventually find each other. At first, they have great difficulty looking after themselves, but adapt after a few weeks. At one point, they sight a navy ship and hoist a brightly-colored flag, not realizing it signals that the ship is under quarantine. As a result, the other vessel turns away. Finally, the ship grounds itself near an inhabited tropical island and springs a leak. While Rollo dons a deep sea diving suit and submerges to patch the hole, the black natives canoe out and take Betsy captive. When Rollo emerges from the ocean, the natives are scared off, enabling him to rescue Betsy and take her back to the ship. The natives return and try to board the ship. After a fierce struggle, Rollo and Betsy try to escape in a small dinghy. It starts to sink, and the natives swiftly overtake them in their canoes. Just when all seems lost, a navy submarine surfaces right underneath them and they are saved.
主演:沙尔托·科普雷 戴夫·帕特尔 忍者 尤兰蒂·维瑟 何塞·巴勃罗·坎蒂略
简介:故事发生在2016年的南非约翰内斯堡,为了应对不断攀升的犯罪率,某大型武器公司开发了全机械警察部队。他们将机械警察批量生产并投入使用,在打击犯罪方面取得了令人瞩目的效果。作为开发人员之一,程序员迪恩(戴夫·帕特尔 Dev Patel 饰)一直致力于制造出完全的人工智能机器人。直到某天,他的研究取得突破性进展,可是并未得到老板米歇尔·布莱德利(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)的支持。不甘心失败的迪恩偷偷将一台不久前被打坏的机械警察带出公司,准备完善他的研究,谁知半路被三名匪徒劫持。在匪徒的威胁下,迪恩将22号写入全新系统。 22号以“查派”的名字重生,它的诞生即将改变许多人的命运……
主演:汤姆·克鲁斯 杰瑞米·雷纳 丽贝卡·弗格森 西蒙·佩吉 文·瑞姆斯 西
简介:资深特工伊森·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)也有百密一疏时刻,他在接收最新任务时遭到神秘组织“辛迪加”的暗算落入对方手中。辛迪加是一支由全球各地前特工组成的秘密组织,此前一直被CIA视为空穴来风。在对方成员伊莎·福斯特(丽贝卡·弗格森 Rebecca Ferguson 饰)的帮助下,伊森逃出生天,并及时向威廉?布莱德(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)汇报了辛迪加确切存在的消息。然而此时布莱德的日子并不好过,他负责的IMF机构因俄罗斯核弹头等事件遭到CIA指控并责令解散。在得知该组织密谋刺杀奥地利总统时,伊森联系上了老搭档班吉·邓恩(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)展开行动,并于谜样女郎伊莎再度相会。 接下来的一连串事件中,辛迪加的真面目逐渐揭开,而他们也终于显露出真实的目的……