主演:凯文·麦克基德 雷·史蒂文森 塞伦·希德 肯内斯·库兰汉姆 凯瑞·康顿
简介:公元前52年,罗马共和国正值鼎盛时期,执政官庞贝(里克•沃登 Rick Warden 饰)坐守都城,盟友凯撒(塞伦•希德 Ciarán Hinds 饰)征战高卢。期间,第13军团屡立战功,主将乌里纳斯(凯文•马克德 Kevin McKidd 饰)有勇有谋,手下波罗(雷•史蒂文森 Ray Stevenson 饰)虽嗜酒如命,却忠肝义胆。适逢凯撒得胜,屋大维遵母命赴前线慰问,不想途中遭劫,被经过的乌里纳斯和波罗救下。13军团凯旋,乌里纳斯与阔别8年的妻子相见,却各怀心事。波罗偶然间发现了乌里纳斯妻子红杏出墙的事实,为了保护长官的名誉,波罗在屋大维的帮助下,逼出了真相。凯撒准备独揽大权,一直等待时机。庞贝看出了他的野心,与元老院众人商议,其中以西塞罗为首的贵族势力,坚持认为凯撒为共和国叛徒,应诛杀之。而此时,凯撒的大将安东尼(杰姆斯•鲍弗 James Purefoy 饰)接任了护民官,与庞贝一伙展开周旋……
主演:亚历山大·德雷蒙 大卫·道森 托拜厄斯·桑特尔曼 艾米莉·考克斯 阿德
导演:尼克·墨菲 彼得·霍尔 安东尼·拜恩 Ben Chanan
简介:公元872年,四分五裂的英伦帝国受到入侵的维京人的蹂躏,仅剩下阿尔弗雷德大帝统治的威塞克斯王国屹立不倒。在这个充满混乱的年代,年轻勇士尤特雷德(Uhtred)逐渐成为传说中的英雄。他的父母(撒克逊贵族)都被维京人杀死,他自己也遭到劫掠者的绑架,被他们当做自己的孩子抚养成 人。他被迫在自己出生的祖国和抚养自己长大的亲人之间做出选择,他的忠诚度一次又一次面临考验。为了重获自己与生俱来的权利,尤特雷德(Uhtred)走上了一条危险的道路。他游走于敌对的双方之间,在一个新国家的诞生过程中起着关键的作用。他的最终目标是夺回自己祖先的土地,但那绝非易事。
主演:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 雷恩·威尔森 约翰·卡拉辛斯基 珍娜·费舍
简介:这里是“Dunder mingtian6.com Mifflin”纸业公司一家小小分公司的办公室,在头脑非常脱线的区域经理迈克尔(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)领导下,一群办公室职员的生活每天充满古怪趣味。吉姆(约翰·卡拉辛斯基 John Krasinski 饰)是个诙谐、脑子灵活的恶作剧狂人,整天想出不同点子折腾坐对面的学究型同事杜维特(雷恩·威尔森 Rainn Wilson 饰),后者每每气恼不已,也在工作上暗自对吉姆使坏,还视他做升职最大竞争对手;吉姆的恶作剧搭档是前台女孩潘(珍娜·费舍 Jenna Fischer 饰),两人制造出无止境的欢笑,但潘已经有了未婚夫,吉姆对她动心也只能发乎情止乎礼。办公司里还有脾气古怪的大龄剩女安吉拉(Angela Kinsey 饰)、深受迈克尔歧视的同性恋会计奥斯卡(Oscar Nuñez 饰)、拼命想融入大家都实习生瑞恩(B.J. Novak 饰),无论大家性格合拍与否,彼此的共识都是,经理迈克尔是整间屋最大的极品…… 本剧是英国BBC情景喜剧《办公室》的美国版。
主演:艾美达·斯丹顿 乔纳森·普雷斯 伊丽莎白·德比茨基 多米尼克·韦斯特
导演:杰西卡·霍布斯 克里斯蒂安·施沃霍夫 保罗·惠廷顿 埃里克·里希特·斯特兰德 亚历克斯·加巴西 梅尔·图琪 理查德·艾尔
简介:这部虚构剧集基于历史事件创作,戏剧化地讲述了伊丽莎白二世女王的故事,以及塑造了其统治时期的政治和私人事件。 迈入新一个十年,王室可能正面临着迄今为止最大的挑战 — 公众公开质疑他们在 90 年代英国所扮演的角色。 在女王伊丽莎白二世(艾美达·斯丹顿 饰)登基 40 周年之际,她回顾了由九位首相组成的统治时期、大众电视的出现和大英帝国的衰落。然而,新的挑战即将到来。苏联的解体和香港主权的转移标志着国际秩序的巨变,这既是障碍,也是机遇。与此同时,国内正风云四起。 查尔斯王子(多米尼克·韦斯特 饰)向母亲施压,决意要与戴安娜(伊丽莎白·德比茨基 饰)离婚,这一举动引发了君主制的宪法危机。这对夫妻逐渐貌合神离,谣言四起。在媒体越发密切关注的情况下,戴安娜决定掌握话语主动权,打破家族规矩 — 她出版了一本书,而这削弱了公众对查尔斯的支持,暴露了温莎王室内部不和的事实。 随着穆罕默德·法耶兹(萨利姆·道 饰)的出现,紧张局势进一步升级。在对最高权力欲望的驱使下,他利用白手起家的财富和权力,试图为自己和儿子多迪(赫立德·阿卜杜拉 饰)在皇家赢得一席之地。
简介:Cameras are rolling on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe for the tenth anniversary series of BBC One’s hugely popular Death In Paradise, making it one of the first BBC single camera dramas to start filming since lockdown. Red Planet Pictures have worked closely with industry bodies, other production companies and the BBC to develop a detailed Covid-19 protocol policy, implementing various safety measures including social distancing, face coverings and temperature and Covid-19 testing to minimise any risk of infection. There is also a full-time Covid-19 Supervisor on set to make sure the protocols are being implemented correctly and the latest guidance is incorporated into the policy. The health and safety of our cast and crew is paramount and production is working in line with the Guadeloupe advice as well as the industry guidelines. Returning to the sun-soaked island to reprise their roles are Ralf Little as D.I. Neville Parker, Don Warrington as Commissioner Selwyn Patterson, Tobi Bakare as D.S. JP Hooper and Elizabeth Bourgine as Mayor Catherine Bordey. As well as the usual baffling murders, intriguing puzzles and famous guest stars, viewers can expect some huge surprises as the show celebrates a decade as one of the most loved British dramas - and these surprises begin with the return of D.S. Florence Cassell, played by audience favourite Josephine Jobert. Florence thinks she’s ready to get back to work after her fiancé’s death two years ago - but she hasn’t banked on her new boss, Neville. As she tries to understand his peculiarities, sparks are bound to fly… Neville soon realises he is existing in the Caribbean, rather than embracing life there. With Florence’s help, he determines to seize the day and finds himself starting to reveal some of his secrets - including of a romantic nature. But is Neville really built for a life in the tropics And is a romantic relationship ever going to be possible for him After two series bringing law, order, and joy to the streets of Saint Marie, we’re sad to say goodbye to Ruby Patterson who made such a massive impact in such a short time! DS Madeleine Dumas will also be departing Saint Marie’s sunny shores and we would like to thank Shyko Amos and Aude Legastelois-Bidé for bringing Ruby and Madeleine to life and wish them all the very best for the future. We are excited to welcome a brand-new face to the team, in the shape of Tahj Miles. His character, 18-year-old petty criminal Marlon Pryce, is a ball of energy and thinks he knows it all. But when he runs into JP, his life takes an unexpected turn and he finds himself looking at a very different future to the one he expected. The arrival of twins is the least of JP’s challenges as he finds Marlon - and some shocking developments at work - testing him to his limits. Selwyn’s frustrations with his new detective take a back seat when he finds himself in the firing line and Catherine’s life is turned upside down when the death of a friend pulls her into grave danger. Executive Producer, Tim Key, says “We are delighted to be able to start filming and can’t wait to celebrate our tenth series with our audience. It’s a joy to be working with Josephine Jobert again and we think the viewers will love watching her trying to get to grips with Neville. And we are very happy to welcome Tahj Miles to the show. Marlon is going to make real waves once he arrives in Saint Marie. We’ve got some real treats for our long-term viewers as the series progresses - including some major surprises and the possibility of another returning face or two. We are determined to make this our biggest and best series yet and can’t wait to take our viewers back to Saint Marie in 2021.” Red Planet Pictures' Joint Managing Director, Alex Jones, says “Like every other production company, we have faced huge challenges to get to this point, so we are delighted to be up and running again and extremely grateful to everyone who has helped us get this far, not least the people of Deshaies and the region of Guadeloupe for their assistance. The safety of our cast and crew - as well as our friends in Guadeloupe - is the most important thing to us and our policies have been designed to protect everybody whilst still delivering an amazing series for our tenth year.” BBC Commissioning Editor, Tommy Bulfin, says “We are so pleased that filming has started on this special tenth anniversary series of Death In Paradise. This series is packed-full of captivating cases and unexpected twists, as well as some really great surprises for fans of the show. Thanks so much to Red Planet Pictures for working so hard to make it happen.” Death In Paradise is a Red Planet Pictures production for BBC One made with the support of the region of Guadeloupe and internationally distributed by BBC Studios. Series ten is produced by Jim Poyser.
主演:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 伊丽莎白·奥尔森 切瓦特·埃加福 本尼迪克特·黄