主演:斯蒂娜·艾克布罗德 安尼塔·布耶尔克 玛丽·理查德森 玛加丽塔·比斯特
简介:戏中,萨德本人从未露面,只存在于六名登场人物的对话中。人物的性格也很分明,西缅男爵夫人代表“美德”、而圣芳伯爵夫人代表“恶行”,门托纽夫人则代表了世俗。尽管两位代表善恶的人物更富有戏剧性,然而全剧的中心仍是主人公露涅和门托纽夫人的对立。 以剧中人对萨德的态度为例:门托纽夫人认为声名狼藉、锒铛入狱的萨德根本就是家庭的耻辱,而萨德的妻子露涅则截然不同,她真诚地等待着被社会排斥的丈夫,并认为这才是表达真爱的惟一方式。但是,当革命风起云涌,社会价值观也随之改变。萨德出狱并被捧为新时代的旗手,门托纽夫人的态度来了个一百八十度大转弯,她成了萨德的捧哏,称萨德为法国的献身者。 而露涅的态度却截然相反。丈夫重新被社会承认,意味着她那孤独的爱就此丧失了根基。不仅如此,她读了萨德在狱中写的小说,里面描写了一位坚持美德的女子的悲剧,露涅在作品中看到了自己的影子。她的孤独之爱从根底瓦解了,同时也意识到之前的半生不过是徒劳,于是她投身修道院,再也不与萨德相会。剧中露涅曾说:“与其付诸行动,不如创制法则……” 这句话也可以理解为“与其委身现实,不如付诸思想”。对原剧作者三岛先生来说,“艺术”无疑是存在于现实之外的、对于异端思想之美的例证。
主演:琳恩·塞西莉亚·斯贝尔克 米娅·埃里卡·斯贝尔克 玛姬-多丽丝·里姆皮
简介:2016东京电影节影后 评委会大奖获奖影片。讲述一名生活在北欧北部的萨米族小女孩艾拉玛雅的成长故事。 萨米人,亦称拉普人,是生活在北欧北部的一个游牧民族。萨米人拥有自己的的语言(萨米语)及独特的民族音乐(Joik)及传统服饰等等,以饲养驯鹿为生。有相当长一段时间,瑞典挪威等国以强制其接受教育等方式试图同化萨米人,官方甚至禁止在学校和公共场合使用萨米语。(即本片背景)
简介:Salomé (1923), a silent film directed by Charles Bryant and starring Alla Nazimova, is a film adaptation of the Oscar Wilde play of the same name. The play itself is a loose retelling of the biblical story of King Herod and his execution of John the Baptist (here, as in Wilde's play, called Jokaanan) at the request of his stepdaughter, Salomé, whom he lusts after. Salomé is often called one of the first art films to be made in the U.S.[citation needed] The highly stylized costumes, exaggerated acting (even for the period), minimal sets, and absence of all but the most necessary props make for a screen image much more focused on atmosphere and on conveying a sense of the characters' individual heightened desires than on conventional plot development. Despite the film being only a little over an hour in length and having no real action to speak of, it cost over $350,000 to make. All the sets were constructed indoors to be able to have complete control over the lighting. The film was shot completely in black and white, matching the illustrations done by Aubrey Beardsley in the printed edition of Wilde's play. The costumes, designed by Natacha Rambova, used material only from Maison Lewis of Paris, such as the real silver lamé loincloths worn by the guards. No major studio would be associated with the film, and it was years after its completion before it was released, by a minor independent distributor. It was a complete failure at the time and marked the end of Nazimova's producing career. A longstanding rumor, which seems to have started while the film was still in production, suggests that its cast is comprised entirely of gay and bisexual actors in an homage to Oscar Wilde, as per star and producer Nazimova's demand. It is, of course, impossible to say, but one of the extras in Salomé reported that a number of the cast members—both featured and extras—were indeed gay, but not an unusual percentage of them, and certainly not all of them. What can be said is that Nazimova herself was a lesbian, the two guard characters (who, next to Salomé, have the most screen time) are at least played very stereotypically gay, and several of the female courtiers are men in drag. Salomé was screened in 1989 at the New York International Festival of Lesbian and Gay films and in 1990 at the New York Gay Experimental Film Festival. In 2000, the United States Library of Congress deemed the film culturally significant and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.
主演:菲丽西提·霍夫曼 艾丽·范宁 派翠西娅·克拉克森 比尔·普尔曼 拜莉·
简介:9岁女孩菲比(艾丽•范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)进入学校话剧团,饰演《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主角爱丽丝,话剧老师道吉尔小姐(帕特里西娅•克拉克森 Patricia Clarkson 饰)对菲比赞誉有佳。但话剧团外的菲比却问题重重,因向同学吐口水和无法控制自己的行为而屡遭麻烦。菲比的母亲希拉里(菲莉丝蒂•夏夫曼 Felicity Huffman 饰)拒绝承认菲比身患强迫性神经官能症的事实,面对多重压力,希拉里与丈夫皮特(比尔•普曼 Bill Pullman 饰)的矛盾频繁升级。与此同时,菲比的症状日益加剧,头脑中的幻象与现实的界限越来越模糊,而校方也对道吉尔小姐对孩子们的教育方法不满。精心排演的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》最终还能公映吗?
主演:约翰尼·德普 艾伦·艾克哈特 安柏·赫德 吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 理查德·詹
简介:保罗·坎普(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)是个失意的纽约作家,他来到波多黎各一家不景气的报社当记者,过起醉生梦死的生活。他在旅馆遇见性感美艳的切诺特(艾梅柏·希尔德 Amber Heard 饰),立刻被她吸引。地产大亨桑德森(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Ec khart 饰)雇佣坎普写广告,并为他提供了丰裕的金钱与物质。坎普发现切诺特竟是老板的女人,却还是无法控制地爱上了她。桑德森安排坎普陪伴切诺特,坎普经受住美色的诱惑,拒绝与她一起私奔。他们来到一座岛上考察房产,在酒会上,喝醉的切诺特和当地男子热舞,让桑德森大怒。第二天,桑德森宣布与坎普终止合作,并将切诺特赶出家门。坎普收留了切诺特,并决心写出桑德森房产黑暗交易的内幕,但是出版社拒绝出版。他和朋友在集市斗鸡赚了一笔大钱,当他们拿着钱回来准备自己动手印刷文稿,却发现出版社早已被拍卖,人去楼空。坎普没有放弃自己的追求。回到纽约,他成功揭露了桑德森,成为一名记者,与切诺特幸福地生活在一起。