主演:斯科特·阿金斯 罗伯特·克耐普 特穆拉·莫里森 杰米·提莫尼 肖恩·基
简介:Retired mixed martial artist Wes "The Jailor" Baylor (Scott Adkins) can't refuse a million-dollar purse he's offered for one final bout in Myanmar. But when he arrives for the fight, he learns he's been tricked into BECOMING the target of a human hunt. Carrying only water and a ruby-filled money belt for the last person standing, Wes must outsmart the heavily armed group that h...
主演:Anne-Carolyne Binette Dean Persons
简介:During the pandemic, the present camp owner is forced to entertain the new buyer then learns of his evil intentions towards the land. In order to stop the sale he has tricks up his sleeve but a zombie uprising was never one of them.
主演:Jeremy Davis Ken Gamble Zach McGowa
简介:Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years. His first assignment as for the elite black ops squad is as Communications Officer for the micro ground assault team that enabled surgical aerial assaults of strategic targets in Iraq, priming allied forces for the what is now known as Operation Desert Storm. The honor of being part of the special forces unit is enriched by the fact that he is invited into the unit lead by the best, Master Chief Devon Mackefy (Ken Gamble). The team, having just returned from one mission, is called into duty once again, because “Mac is the best”. Feeling the pull of the call, and given no option by the powers that be, our heroes go into the thick of it with the usual disadvantages - tired, short by one man and in need of gearing up in the weapons department; all with their invisibility being paramount. The team is rounded out by Petty Officer Williams (Kristoffer Garrison), Petty Officer Sanchez (Neta De Paula) and Chief Petty Officer Roberts (Zach McGowan). The team’s only contact ii Iraqi is Jamal (Amol Shah), a Kurd who has lost his family to the war and now helps the U.S. in these isolated covert operations. Their sole mission mark aerial targets, avoid capture and stay alive for four days. But the enemy is in every direction. Tensions are high since Davis is untested in the field and Mac is distracted by a recent personal loss. All these complications threaten the success of the mission, as well as the team’s survival.
简介:朝廷寻宝队押元祐党人前往徐州境内寻元祐党宝藏,芒砀山寨主樊瑞探得这一消息,派人去劫寻宝队准备携藏宝图作为见面礼投奔梁山,而公孙胜也奉梁山之命前来解救元祐党义士,当他赶来之时,寻宝队已被樊瑞抢先劫走押回了山寨,樊瑞见是梁山好汉不禁大喜,于是向公孙胜献出截获的藏宝图以表投奔之心,不想公孙胜打开藏宝图一看却发现宝图是假的。梁山众好汉逼樊瑞交出元祐党义士,樊瑞恼羞成怒和梁山打了起来,最后公孙胜设下石头阵将其擒住,公孙胜拷问寻宝队才知这里根本就没有元祐党义士,他们竟是被人雇佣的。 原来真正的寻宝队早被知府侯占灭口,并已派出手下秘密按藏宝图前去寻宝,元祐党义士也遭囚禁,给芒砀山放出消息的也正是侯占,他精心预谋让樊瑞来当这件事的替罪羊,为挖开藏宝地点的山洞,侯占又故弄玄虚弄走一队囚犯并嫁祸给了樊瑞。 公孙胜分析整件事情断定这是一个陷阱,樊瑞为了向梁山好汉证明自己的清白,开始调查事情真相。左御使奉命来徐州调查寻宝队失踪之事,却被侯占设计愚弄蒙蔽,认为寻宝队是被芒砀山混世魔王樊瑞所劫。公孙胜决定从左御使这里寻找元祐党义士的线索,他施计接近左御使并取得了他的信任。 樊瑞根据一系列线索逐渐查出所有事情的幕后指使就是知府侯占,却不小心打草惊蛇,侯占设下圈套在凤仙楼宴请左御使欲引樊瑞现身来将其灭口,樊瑞中计前往,幸得公孙胜的巧妙制止樊瑞得以脱身。公孙胜探到牢房有瘟疫被封锁的消息,他与樊瑞迅速将疑点转向牢房,为了将功补过樊瑞主动请缨要求去牢房一探究竟,两人约定有情况会以信号弹联络。 原来弄去挖宝的囚犯被落石砸死,侯占意识到藏宝地有机关,只好封闭牢房暗中向藏宝地输送人手挖宝并押元祐党人前去破解机关,混入囚犯队伍的樊瑞正被侯占手下带至宝藏地点,在这里他终于找到了元祐党义士,趁众人不注意他偷偷放出信号弹。樊瑞与侯占手下斗智斗勇,终于救下险境中的元祐党义士,但他们却遭到侯占众手下的围攻,危急时刻,梁山兵马赶到相救。 与此同时,启程回京准备上奏的左御使被公孙胜施计留住并给以宝藏之暗示,左御使应暗示带兵来到藏宝地点,看到被绑的侯占手下,他 终于明白了整件事情都是侯占在搞鬼,将侯占等人押送京城审问。樊瑞感谢公孙胜留住左御使得以将侯占的罪行公诸于世,就拜公孙胜为师投奔梁山而去。
主演:乔尔·考特尼 保罗·约翰逊 巴斯鲁藤 Raleigh Cain Tom
简介:Diz (Joel Courtney) is a reckless teenage drifter living life on the run. Abandoned by his parents as a child, he looks out for himself and doesn't accept handouts. He takes whatever he wants and runs. Jaded and determined to answer to no one, Diz lives a life marked by thievery and abandonment. Things change for Diz when he floats into a small town on the Snake River. There he is confronted by an unflappable old man named Marty and falls for Marty's guarded granddaughter, Selah. When Diz robs a local drug-dealing crazy, he becomes the owner of a giant pile of cash and the target of two vicious killers. With more money than he knows what to do with, and criminals at his heels, Diz puts the people he's learned to care about in danger, still trying to win Selah. But some things can't be stolen or bought. The River Thief is a film about guilt, self-sacrifice, and accepting life as a gift.